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  • Law and Ethics: Mastering Mandated Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
East Bay CAMFT

Law and Ethics: Mastering Mandated Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting

  • Friday, June 06, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Presented by  Bradley J. Muldrow, Esq. CAMFT Staff Attorney

Includes 3 CE credits for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs, LEPs. A recording will be made available for all registrants for 3 months. If you can't attend live, you can watch the recording, pass a test, and receive the CE credit. 

EBCAMFT members:  $60
CAMFT members:  $65
Non-members:  $85


Although elder and dependent adult reporting is one of the most common legal issues therapists navigate in practice, it tends to receive much less focus than child abuse reporting. This workshop will provide a detailed overview of the mandated reporting procedures outlined in California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, including the different types of reportable elder and dependent adult abuse, the types of California agencies that receive mandated elder and dependent adult abuse reports, and how much time mandated reporters have to make these reports.

The workshop will also address some of the most complex reporting issues therapists face, including: how the reporting requirements differ when alleged elder or dependent adult abuse victims reside outside of California, how to determine if a patient constitutes a “dependent adult,” and the types of abuse for which elder and dependent adult abuse reporting is mandated (as opposed to optional).

Educational Goals

Participants will become familiar with the categories of reportable elder and dependent adult abuse, under the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act. Participants will understand the procedures for making mandated and optional elder and dependent adult abuse reports, under the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act. Participants will further understand how much time California mandated reporters have to complete and submit mandated and optional elder and dependent adult abuse reports.

    Measurable Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this workshop, attendees will be able to:

    1. Identify the six categories of elder and dependent adult abuse California mandated reporters are required to report.
    2. Identify the specific California agencies that are authorized to receive mandated elder and dependent adult abuse reports.
    3. Distinguish the amount of time California mandated reporters have to make initial phone reports of elder and dependent adult abuse vs. written follow-up reports regarding elder and dependent adult abuse.
    4. State which forms of elder and dependent adult abuse are optional (as opposed to mandated) for mandated reporters to report, under the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act.

      About the Presenter

      As a CAMFT staff attorney, Bradley J. Muldrow, Esq. takes member phone calls regarding law and ethics issues and contributes articles on those subjects to CAMFT's publication, the Therapist. Prior to joining CAMFT’s legal team, Brad worked on litigation and regulatory matters as an attorney for San Diego Gas & Electric Company. 

      Since becoming an attorney, Brad has given law and ethics presentations to attorneys and judges as a member of the J. Clifford Wallace Inn of Court. He has also served as a board member for the Earl B. Gilliam Bar Foundation, a San Diego-based nonprofit.



      East Bay Chapter, CA Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
      P.O Box 6278 Albany, CA 94706

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